El Sobrante Stroll, Coastal Cleanup event
People are noticing how much cleaner our little town has become — thanks to our combined efforts. I just want to give you the heads up about three upcoming, fun cleanup events on Aug. 20, Sept. 18, and Sept. 24, 2022. Please spread the word by social media, flyers and posters or word-of-mouth to neighbors:
1) Third Saturday Cleanups: Our next cleanup is this coming Saturday, Aug. 20, 10 AM to Noon. Meet at the El Sobrante Library, 4191 Appian Way, to sign in, borrow equipment (grabbers, buckets, vests, gloves, bags) and select a location to pick up litter. This Saturday, we will focus on Appian Way near the Triangle, and a few other areas. Let us know if there is another area dear to your heart that needs attention. It’s fun getting to know your neighbors while giving back to your community by helping to maintain a litter-free area.
Note: September’s Third Saturday is postponed one week to do “Coastal Cleanup” on Saturday, Sept. 24.
2) El Sobrante Stroll is back! Who wants to be in the Stroll’s parade on Sunday, Sept. 18? The 94803 Green Team is organizing a group to march in the parade with vests, grabbers and buckets (banners and drummers, of course). It should be really fun as we do some chants (and possibly some fun choreography) along the way to bring visibility to our efforts. We would like the community to know that we are a diverse group of people who share the common goal of keeping our 94803 area clean and beautiful, and they are welcome to join us in the future (like the following Saturday). Please let me know if you are interested in being in the parade. The more the merrier! Also, look for our booth at the Stroll (next to SPAWNERS).
3) Coastal Cleanup Day: Join the Green Team and SPAWNERS the following Saturday, Sept. 24 as we collaborate to do a major cleanup (picking up litter and trash in the streets and creeks) all over the 94803 area. We need to start getting the word out right away. This special event is part of the National Coastal Cleanup Month. We want to make sure that the inland litter that collects from our streets and creeks doesn’t end up in the ocean. So, let’s all join in and really get this area nice and clean! Meet at El Sobrante Library, 4191 Appian Way, 9:30 AM to sign in, borrow equipment and select a section of a street or creek to clean up the litter and trash until noon or so. Then from 11:30 AM to 2 PM, join us for a Volunteer Appreciation event afterwards to celebrate our cleanup with music by Dynamite Dave and the Detonators, food, a few speakers and information. Mark your calendars. See attached flyer.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions about these events, or if you’d like to get more involved with our planning sessions. Also, your are invited to the ES Municipal Advisory Council and ES MAC Cleanup and Beautification Subcommittee meetings (email me for details). Hope you will join us.
And remember to call 1-800-NO-DUMPING and report it whenever you spot an illegal dump. See you around, and hopefully we’ll be picking up litter! Together we are making a difference!